HTML is Hyper Text Markup language using this language you can create a website.A simple language hare I will teaches all HTML chapter very easily with simple example.You Will enjoy learning .
About HTML.....
HTML is markup language which help to crete website page.
- HTML =Hyper Text Markup Language
- Language(code) write by markup tag.
- Each tag have different meaning which know web-browser.
- Language run by using web-browser.
A Simple HTML Document Example:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This is page Title</title>
<h1>This is Heading Tag </h1>
<h2>This is Another Heading Tag </h2>
<title>This is page Title</title>
<h1>This is Heading Tag </h1>
<h2>This is Another Heading Tag </h2>
Explained Above Code:
- <!DOCTYPE html> declaration that is Html document.
- <html> Starting HTML Tag </html> Ending Html Tag(html code write under this tag)
- <head> This is heading tag hare write title tag,meta-tag etc</head>
- <title> webpage title hare </title>
- <body> This is body tag,hare write all webpage content which visible webpage </body>
- <h1> This is heading tag when content start heading tag need first of line </h1>
- <h2>this is another heading tag but font size small comparatively h1 tag <h2>